Off the Beaten Path and On Course
Yesterday, being "Black Friday", the self-proclaimed biggest shopping day of the year, and being stuffed like the unfortunate Turkey we consumed the day before, I thought it prudent to get off the the beaten path of consumer mayhem and take advantage of a beautiful sunny high 40's Saturday and return to Audubon Park to hike the wooden trails.
Armed with my trusty Bavarian Walking Staff, complete with removable rubber tip for a metal spike at the bottom, and an accurate compass on top, I set out on my journey. At first I took the Coffee Tree Trail behind the Museum into the woods. Shortly however, I remembered why I was here, to get off the beaten path. Remembering I had my compass, I set a course for southwest and made my own way to Wilderness Lake.
I arrived at this glorious perch on a crest above the Lake. Nearly exhausted from slipping down 45 degree leave strewn slopes and climbing back up the next one, I was pleased to take a pause in the journey to take in the sights, sounds and smells of this wooded paradise whilst sitting on a freshly fallen tree from the storms we had about three months ago.I watched a herd of deer, a buck and two doe in tow make their way through the woods, a mother and daughter hiking around the lake, a father and son who where doing the same thing as I, came up the slope behind me to briefly disturb each other's peace. I felt a deep satisfaction of an explorer of the physical and spiritual as I said my prayers and meditated for an hour.
I made my way back to the Museum where I ran into an old friend, Pat McCormick, who I was a music major in college with, and now lives in Henderson, still playing music for a living. We always run into each other at the oddest places at least 4 to 5 times a year. Always makes for a great visit! He snapped this picture of me below my favorite land mark in the park.
After all the physical exertion, I was famished and decided to take on the Eagle for his catfish. Eagles always trump Turkey's, plus the catfish was made of bronze, so I decided to go for Sushi at Zuki's, a Japanese restaurant on the East Side of Evansville, owned and operated by Marvin from the Philippines and a Sushi Chef from Indonesia. Ah, Unity through Diversity never tasted so good!Sir Hook the Reformed Turkey and Energized Explorer of Warrick
I spent the day in the west-side woods with two of my favorite guys - Sir Bowie and Sir John of Rosedale (I believe that is his knight's name)
ReplyDeletegeocaches were found and a tavern lunch followed our healthy hiking
I'll leave the official count and writing up to Sir Bowie
but a good time had by all!
Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar
I already knew I was needing to head to the wood on Wednesday afternoon. Just didn't know where or with whom.
ReplyDeleteThings just sort of worked themselves out. Geocached with Lady Suzanne and celebrated brother John's birthday by having him find his cache of cheap baubles under a cool rock formation.
Then tavern food and a pitcher of beer.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
Ah.. good to see the US and UK share not only the same language, but the same sense of blow-out ying and yang, you on Black Friday, us on Boxing Day ( 12/26. go look it up )
ReplyDeleteFirst the belt-busting repast and chugging of quarts of ale, then the next day, the donning of ye olde walking boots and heading for the leafy trails to yomp off those unused calories and those guilty pounds.
Yep...once we were heart-throbs now we are just sexy coronaries :))
Anyway, my Boots are waiting by the door for tomorrow, as I am just off to yet another Writers Dinner (one of the joys of winter, multiple end-of-year Award cermonies )
Sir Dayvd ( Money is not the most important thing in life, but it is way up there, along with oxygen ) of Oxfordshire