Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer-Holder
Another beautiful Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale graphic by Honorary Founding Father, Sir Dayvd of Oxfordshire. Of course I was "holding" a beer when I thought that! As that we are challenged to Think, Drink and be Merry, so often a Knight of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale finds himself in that "timeless" moment in life between thought and being merry, and so often it involves drinking a very fine ale. It is as if the very doors of heaven have opened to reveal all that is beautiful inside you and surrounding you. Of course as with all spiritual things one must be aware when the drink ceases to inspire and just causes us to perspire, leaving us handicap and ready to pick up anything on two legs. As they say, the girls all get prettier at closing time. I think the trick to solving this age old problem is to challenge yourself to see the beauty in all, all the time. That way when you enter this "timeless" state the next time you're holding your favorite ale you can wisely discern that indeed "Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder", thank God for this special moment, go home and pop a couple of aspirin with a glass of water, and dream the dreams that only a true Knight of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale can dream!
Count your lambs, your blessings and your beauty!
Sir Hook
Very nice work 2/3 D's!