Limerick Meets Beaver Creek
One thing that has not changed about Sir Richard is his Lion Heart; however, today finds him in strange lands and therefore he has become all things new, thus a new name must be granted. Still armed with a generous heart, hearty laugh and undying faith, Sir Richard has seen many battles with this humble Knight of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale. So, in honor of his dedication to all we stand for, his absolute friendship and his new way of life we hereby proclaim him as Sir Richard Lion Heart of Beaver Creek. May the creeks in his life always be easy to cross, flowing with Mead and teaming with Beaver!
Sir Hook of Warrick
Perhaps you can do a follow-up...when Sir Richard has an actual beaver by his side to pose with...but alas a license might be required for such an endeavor...therefore...let us drink anyway and chase beaver another day! :-)