A much more common language being spoken by all was the complaining about how the economy and markets were depleting their wealth. I was in the Steam Room at the Spa after enjoying a couples massage when a Jewish businessman from Philadelphia asked me if I knew how the markets ended. I told him that I stopped watching it, preferring to stay focused on things I can control (at least believing in the illusion). He said, "The economy is so bad that Jewish women are marrying for love instead of money." I responded with, "So what's so bad about that?" I also reminded him that if he thought things were so bad why was he staying in a five star resort, sitting in a Spa Steam Room on New Year's Eve?!
Is your New Year half empty or half full? One man's trash is another man's treasure. Most of my friends see the current economic climate as half empty. I see a world of opportunity! I already have come up with two ideas to grow my business and my personal financial situation by focusing on opportunities instead of drawing back into a defensive posture.
Leaving the resort another man in the elevator said, " I don't have a 401K anymore, I have a 201K." I smiled and thought to myself, think lack, get lack...think abundance, get abundance. I think this year I'll invent the 801K!
Is your New Year half empty or half full?
Sir Hook the Norman Vincent Peale of Warrick
Think 801k!
ReplyDeleteI love that.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
My New Year is full to the brim...and i've ordered another glass full, ready for when i've done with that one...
ReplyDeleteKeep em coming
Sir D ( the only person who controls how well you do in life, is yourself ) of Oxfordshire...