My dear friends...
I want to tell you about the most important petition ever launched . . . a petition that could lead us all toward a new humanity, a new earth, and a New Spirituality.

Humanity's Team is collecting 50,000 Signatures to get the United Nations to declare a Oneness Day, a day set aside and embraced by individuals, communities and nations for humanity to celebrate, discuss and experience our similarities as well as our rich cultural diversities-our Oneness-a day to unite with the entire universe as one human family.
What I ask you to do is to join the thousands of others who are now signing a petition created by Humanity's Team. The idea here is to help humanity raise its consciousness by having a Oneness Day every year, celebrated worldwide. As we remember who and what we are on that day, we will soon realize who and what we are every day! And then we'll have heaven on earth!
To read the petition, follow this link:
To sign the petition, follow this link:
Special times call for special action. We are in special times right now. Humanity is divided and faced with so many life-threatening crises that we need to change our world view if we wish to preserve life as we know it.
This is a dramatic statement, but it's true. The status quo doesn't work anymore.
We've got to stand together and declare that terrorism and anti-terrorism, the financial collapse and selective government bailouts, ecological devastation and uneven environmental enforcement, and the many other divisive and destructive conditions and policies in this world have to end if we are ever to begin creating our dream for all of humanity.
And for those divisive and destructive conditions and policies to end, the underlying beliefs that created and perpetuate them must change.
We've got to realize something we already know deep in our hearts; we've got to now officially declare it once and for all, for the World Entire to see and to consider: that we are all part of a unified whole, with multiple dimensions, each complementing the other: We Are All One. The sooner we recognize this, that is, re-cognize it (that is, know it again), the sooner the world's life-threatening crises will end.
That's another dramatic statement, and it's also true.
After signing the petition, I will ask you to do something else: own it. Own it by using its built-in link to spread the word by forwarding the petition to as many people as possible. And continue checking back for the signature count. We can bring about a truly historic change, but only when we all take responsibility for getting the job done.
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Here is a link to the CWG home page:
Sir Bowie "Easier to Say 'we're one' than to live it -- but, I'm trying" of Greenbriar
THis is one of those blogs that will require me to study it and stare at the screen.....which i will do....
ReplyDeletebut i have been switched on to this new spectator sport... watching the equivilent of Stock Share Prices Base Jumping, getting caught on a few thermals for a second, then nose diving across my screen....:))
yes with the FTSE rallying in the UK ...i found i had perverse amusement, watching the Dow Jones tank last night......scrolling across my screen. For years they've been asking to be deregulated saying there's no better regulation than the marketplace so I think we should let them wallow in it for a while...but i suppose too many innocent bystanders are in the line of fire...
see ..this is what happens when you can't trust your peers.
Sir D of O
In my mind Oneness is different than Unity through Diversity. I'm still trying to figure out the Oneness of the Trinity. Perhaps looking at the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as God Unified through His Diversity is a better way than being One?
ReplyDeleteHeaven on earth is possible, I've experienced it, but only for fleeting moments, not 24/7.
That being said, it is a noble cause and I thank you Sir Bowie for making us aware of other who are tying to make a difference.