Don't get me wrong ladies, I love you dearly! In fact, too dearly! But being sexist is not exclusive to the male of our species. It appears to me that if the females of our world want to be treated as equals, then the same courtesy should be extended to us knuckle dragging males.

I started thinking about this when I heard a very appropriate comment about how Sarah Palin has "taken the gloves off", meaning she's ready to fight to the bloody end, and has "put on the high heels." What a minute! Not fair! We males do not get to put anything else on when we "take the gloves off."
I don't know how many times I have been accused by females in past business dealings of being part of the "Good Ole Boys Club". Well, how about the "Good Ole Girls Club"?
I can think of many occasions when I was trying to do business with "females only" and I was given the same condescending, ass kicking, sexist treatment that they so like to complain about, just because I was a man. And if, after attacking me, I tried to respond aggressively in an appropriate business negotiation fashion, I was all the sudden a cave dwelling twit not worthy enough to lick their naughty bits as they flaunted them in my face with that half snarl...half come hither look that only a woman "in heels" can pull off. Who is using who?

Sir Hook the Suddenly Celibate Warrior of Warrick
P.S. I will be licking my wounds while boxing in heels and making a Pub Crawl in Ohio the rest of the week. Stay tuned for my report on Sunday.
Sir Hook,
ReplyDeleteI think I'll approach this post with kid gloves.
I would like to see what your psychologist was doodling in his or her notebook when you went on this rant.
Sir Bowie
LOL way to go hooky.. thats one hotel room by yourself too many.
ReplyDeleteHave you not learned at your age yet?:)) the female of the species is more deadly than the male...
Give up now you'll never win...
D of O
What can I say...I'm a slow learner. I'm also a very stubborn warrior. And finally, I'm right! But, that and a session with my therapist still gets me nowhere. Oh well, who said "all is fair in love and war?"Ce la vie!