See what I mean...
And Sunday, if not grading papers, is my perfect time to sit down to simple fare and enjoy the day. I usually sleep in, waking no later than 830am and continue to burrow in the soft sheets, thinking. Sometimes I linger, pulling a moleskine from the drawer and jotting down snippets of phrases that I've been playing around with in my head. For some reason, salt encrusted door has been taking up space and I have yet to tease out that poem. At some point my body reminds me that it is time to get up and go in search of something to eat. Sundays are when I treat myself to old favorites. Simple foods my grandfather or mother used to cook for us. Hobo eggs is one such dish.
First, set a griddle to heat over medium heat on the stove. Light grease it with olive oil. Take two of your favorite pieces of bread. I like Brownberry's double fiber bread for this recipe. Then I fetch a juice glass from the cupboard (a small diameter) and cut out the center of the bread. Now you can use butter for the next part, but I love olive oil. I put a bit in a bowl and take out my pastry brush. I lightly brush the bread pieces, both sides, with oil. Now that the griddle is hot, put the slices and 2 circular pieces on the griddle to brown. Let the one side brown a bit before cracking an egg into each hole. (I tend to use, for less chloestrol, one whole egg and one egg white for the other). Let the egg cook till it is sold on the bottom, flip all pieces. Let the egg cook til bread is brown and egg is desired consistency. (It is best if you have a bit of runny yolk left over). Plate up, light salt and pepper and enjoy. I usually drink a glass of oj or right now since the apples are coming in, fresh apple cider (non-alcohlic of course--thats for later)....
It is simple yet satisfying....
Eggs were always part of an Easter brunch for our family. One year I made these. Thank you so much for "serving" that memory.
ReplyDeleteSir Bowie of Greenbriar
That's a dish I'll try this coming Sunday morning. Sunday's are a good time to enjoy the day. We usually go to Mass on Saturday evenings, but I know what you mean about the Cathedral of Nature. Nothing quite beats that! I recently saw a special on the History channel about how the Hobo culture is still around and how it got it's start during the Great Depression. A Hobo was one who actually caught the trains to go find work to support the family back home. A Tramp was one who caught the train for adventure but not necessarily work, and a Bum was one who just drank while he traveled to nowhere.
ReplyDeleteIn Kentucky we called these "Toad in the Hole"
ReplyDeletewho knows why?!
Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar
Ah ha, Toad in the hole in England is a wonderful savoury dish of sausages in Yorkshire Pudding batter.
and is do damn yummy i am now going to cook one tonight for my dinner.
Further to what we have for Breakfast here, either Porridge, which you all know, and for me , English Crumpets, toasted, spread with butter and seville marmalade.
Sir D ( for drooling ) of O
I'm thinking a name change:
ReplyDeleteKnights of Moleskine, Spirit, Ale, and FOOD!
Sir Bowie
He he he.....
ReplyDeleteA toad in the whole...I love the UK version...
Bangers and mash, my favorite...
Maybe it should be Knights of Moleskine, Spirits, Ale, Food and Drool...
I have the Onion Gravy, on the hob right now, to go with the small Toad in the Hole i have cooked, with new Minted Potatoes,and Mange Tout.
ReplyDeleteThis is because it is 6 .30pm and dinnertime on a Country dark, verra blustery evening in Oxfordshire, while it is 1.30pm EST in the USA
Sir Dayvd ( the hungry Knight ) of O
okay, I'll bite
ReplyDeletewhat is mange tout????????????
Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar
who is making salad for dinner
OOO good word Bite is the operative word regarding Mangetout
ReplyDeleteMange Tout is French and literally means Eat All.
You might know them as Snap Peas and they would be ideal blanched for your salad as they are very crisp .
basically they are flat peas in a flat pod and you eat the lot. :))
Like i just have done and i'm sat here with a big belly and a lot of pots to washup...:)) ( or should that be a pot belly and lots of bigs to washup.)
go to:
for a picture and how to cook.
Sir D ( burp ) of O
we would just called these pea pods
ReplyDeletewe used to grow these in our garden
our daughters would pick them, wipe on pants, eat raw - outside - everything tastes better outside
now the garden and the small girls are gone
and we eat salad with pea pods so we don't grow large and so there are no pots to wash!
Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar