I think it's always good to revisit our sacred roots: Journaling.
Bring a journal -- especially a Moleskine journal -- into a bar or pub and you're sure to spark people's imaginations. As you sip a pint of your favorite malt beverage, you can feel the "I wonder..." energy in the air: "I wonder what he/she is writing?" Soon, one brave soul asks you and an impromptu meeting the Knights of Moleskine, Spirit, and Ale has been called to order. 99% of the curious will move on, but the 1 that stays is usually a Knights' soul-mate that, at least for one night, feels the spark of the Moleskine mission of independent expression.
Moleskinerie.com was nice enough to feature our small, but growing, band of Knights few moons ago. Today, I notice that the web site has started an exhibit worthy of checking out.
Quote from site:
"We're excited to celebrate the fourth birthday of Moleskinerie with a retrospective of selected works from our friends and supporters around the world. We would like to recognize this group of writers, artists, bloggers and thinkers who have been featured on the blog in the last year and have consistently used Moleskine in their professional or private pursuits.
The works will be displayed in a permanent gallery on Moleskinerie, updated monthly, starting January 12th, 2008. To honor the participants, Moleskine has created for the artists a limited edition of notebooks and diaries.
This is only the first of what we hope will be many editions of the Exhibit. We hope that you will enjoy the gallery and that it will inspire creative dialogue and foster deeper understanding between cultures."
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
So true! Just did that last night at James Joyce Pub in Baltimore. Great place to write, since it's named after a writer. Tonight, I visit the sacred watering hole, McGrath's, holder of a the Knights Pub Journal. I will deliver the Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale coasters.