While Sir Hook rests up from his arduous travels...
So, Wednesday I have one of the worst days ever at my job. The stress and frustration level rose to record highs in proportion to my blood pressure (thank goodness for Diovan). Anyway, I went home and gave myself a couple of options to deal with it: Drink myself into oblivion or go to the gym (No, “the gym” is not the name of a bar – though that's a pretty good idea).
First, I checked my email and did a little research on a project I'm working on. Then, something rose to the top of the cesspool of Google information that reminded me of an old newspaper columnist named Sidney Harris. Mr. Harris was a great writer and cartoonist whose work appeared in the 1970s and 1980s. A very witty man. Every now and then he’d write a column entitled “Things I Learned While Looking Up Something Else.” Anyway, while I'm looking up something else, I came across this Guinness World Record:
“Tom Gaskin lifted a 137-lb, 8-oz keg of beer above his head 902 times in six hours at Laska House, Newry, Northern Ireland.” (this is a 1996 record, so it's possible it's been broken).
Holy crap! I can't lift my arms above my head 902 times much less with a 140-lbs keg of beer.
That got me thinking how out of shape I really am.
So, as much as I would have liked to drown my sorrows by lifting a record number of 12-oz beers, I went to the gym...then I came home and enjoy an A-B's Winter's Bourbon Cask Ale.
Oh, and if you want to just “throw” a kegger, check out this site:
Sir Bowie “The Weakling” of Greenbriar
That's the true sign of a seasoned Knight. We used to go drinking and then work out, kick arse, etc. Now, we work out, kick our own arse, and then go drinking! Live is a grand circle and we are the jerks who make it all happen...or not!