"Dedicated ut Reputo , Imbibo , Partum quod Bacca Hilaris" Dedicated to Thinking, Drinking, Creating and Being Merry! "Nos Puto in Lunctum per Varietas" We believe in Unity through Diversity!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
That Time of the Year

Yes, it's that time of year again here in the States – College Football.
Since the University I attended didn't even have a football team, watching college football is really just for fun and games. As I write this, my favorite team from the time I was a little kid appears to be well on the way to another “First Game of the Season” embarrassing loss for the second straight year. Ouch.
But, now to another great college tradition: Tailgating. Here's a brief history; however, as you'll read, no one really agrees on the origins:
According to one popular tailgating website:
The Origin of Tailgating v1.0
Tailgating dates back to the very first college football game between Rutgers and Princeton in 1869, when fans traveled to the game by carriage, grilling sausages and burgers at the "tail end" of the horse. Today tailgating is a part of most athletic events, especially college football.
The Origin of Tailgating v2.0
It all began at Yale in 1904. At least that's what they'll tell you. Is it true? Well, other schools claim the honor, but the Yale story has been verified by, you guessed it ...Yale. Seems there was a train made up of private railcars that brought fans to a Yale game. The train stopped at the station and the fans had to walk the distance to
the stadium. When they arrived at the stadium, they were hungry and thirsty. So the idea was born to bring along a picnic hamper of food for the next game. And so Tailgating was born. Necessity the mother of invention, right? Well, so they say.
The Origin of Tailgating v.3.0
Actually, tailgating started in Green Bay, Wisconsin in 1919, when the Packers were first formed. The farmers would back their pickup trucks around the edge of an open field, drop their tailgates to sit on and eat a prepared basket of food while they watched the team play. That's where the term TAILGATE came from.
SO, what's the number one favorite item to have at a tailgate party this year?
Have fun at your tailgate part!
Sir Bowie “always for the underdog” Kuhn
Friday, August 29, 2008
Off WIth His Head

I always loved Eric Idle's interpretation of "Off with his head!" This famous line was first made famous by Shakespeare in many of his plays, it was also shrieked loudly by the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. And of course, Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein singing "I ain't got no body" while looking for the AB Normal brain is always a scream!
There's nothing like a good beheading to strike fear and fascination into the hearts of those who oppose the powers that order this unique style of execution, or to bring about a feverish pitch of zealot emotions in those who witness this event for the shear pleasure or the ideological belief in it.

Today were are still witnesses to the use of beheading to control the masses. The fundamental Muslims use beheading to control any behavior not deemed appropriate by their "narrow" views of humanity. Of course, I have been just as guilty of beheading those who don't fit into my way of thinking too! Not that I've actually chopped off someones head in the physical sense, but I've certainly have done a masterful job of doing it in a spiritual and mental sense. So on this day of celebrating "Rolling Heads" I ask myself and you, why do we feel like cutting off the heads of those we don't agree with? Why is beheading so attractive, yet so repulsive to us? When have you been guilty of mentally beheading others? Why did you do it?
The need for control is a strong human emotion and perhaps nothing says I'm in control better than cutting off the control center, the head in its physical and allegorical sense. Have you lost your head or caused others to lose theirs? Perhaps you like me, need to look into the mirror to see.
Sir Hook the Headless Executioner of Warrick
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Another Wake-Up Call!

Sir James of Taylor and I have spent a lot of time discussing things we’d like to do before we die – mostly regarding careers. Lady Suzanne and I have had countless discussions about getting away (Suzanne would like to visit every beach). Recent posts here have highlighted “The Bucket List” and Sir Dayvd has introduced us to his favorite saying, “If not now, when?”
So, I was not surprised when Sir James sent me the following ironic headline from recent news:
Dave Freeman, 47; the ad executive who co-wrote '100 Things to Do Before You Die' has died.
Freeman died after falling and hitting his head at his home in Venice, said his father, Roy.
Published in 1999, "100 Things" was one of the first contemporary books to create a travel agenda marketed with a title that reminded mortal readers that time was limited.
The title meant "you should live every day like it would be your last, and there's not that many people who do," Neil Teplica (who co-wrote the book) told The Times. "It's a credit to Dave -- he didn't have enough days, but he lived them like he should have."
Together, the authors had visited almost every site in the book, which included the familiar (the Academy Awards ceremony, the running of the bulls in
Freeman also saw some things he certainly wished he never had:
On Sept. 11, 2001, he was eating breakfast in his sixth-floor
Deeply affected by the terrorist attack, Freeman decided to move back to
To be honest, I have not read the book, but I know that it – and many others that followed – have me thinking of Freeman’s motto: "Do it before you die"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Knights Tale

Then in the 1990's, due to the amazing Vision of the American Director Sam Wanamaker, a third Globe was funded, constructed and opened in 1997, a completely exact copy, in every beam and design, of the former which stood not 200 yards away.

Sir Dayvd (me? flirt with married ladies..no, not me) of Oxfordshire
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dublin Village Tavern & the Urinals of Ireland
Greeting me there as soon as I opened the door was this full size picture of Marilyn Monroe. Now, no matter how old or young you are, you have to say that Marilyn had Mojo! I always had a fondness for her because her baptised name was Norma Jeane Baker. My mother's name was Doris Jeane Baker. Now, my mother never looked this sexy, which was probably a good thing for my mental health, but she did have a rather large personality about her. The funny thing was that I had finally signed on with my iPhone and read Sir Bowie's blog about Jessica Simpson's buying a beer company. I noted that I'd rather be drinking with Marilyn!
Sir Hook the Traveling Urinal Minstrel of Warrick
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Inn Ebriate

Talking to Lady Suzanne about my job as Local Artist / Sign maker of Oxfordshire, it struck me that one of the benefits of the Job is that I get to paint a great many Pub Signs and ergo get to go to a great many local Inns.
Free Ale aside, this means I am never more than the breadth of a hair on my brush from one of my great joys of my life, history, and naturally, Inns and especially Inn Signs are a great indicator to the history of a local area.
The use of the word arms in pub names is so wide spread in England, because inns used to display the coat of arms of the nearest bigwig under whose protection it operated. This was not so much for identifying the pub but as a warning to brigands that raiding the place would bring the posse down on their heads.
During times of warring it wasn't only customers who switched allegiance. Pubs too often hurriedly changed names for political reasons. The heraldic sign of Richard the Third was a white boar, which lead to countless White Boar Inns springing up. "Shilling " coins issued at the time also displayed the creature. Nicknamed a "Hog" the shilling bought a whole raft of ale, hence "going the whole hog". But after Richard's defeat at the battle of Bosworth Field, landlords were contacting Sign makers to get out the tins of blue paint to change their signs to the coat of arms of the victorious Earl of Oxford, hence the prevalence of Blue Boar Inns.
A simpler route was often to call the Inn, The Crown, and this would cover any King or Queen who got into power.
These knightly battles raged all over the island during this period, and the phrase "giving no quarter" - meaning to show no mercy, stems from medieval times
In those days a knight was worth more alive than dead. Once captured, he could be ransomed back to his King or to his estate. While the price of his return was being haggled over, the knight was given living quarters in the best inns, befitting his station. Through his practice, the showing of mercy came to be known as "granting quarter(s) ".
Now I can tell already before I have even posted this blog that Sir Hook and Sir Bowie will be drooling into their moustaches at the sight of a sign that proclaims; FREE HOUSE. well sorry to disappoint you boys... this just means that the Inn is not owned by a brewery, and the landlord is free to serve whatever choice ales he thinks his customers will relish,....The Ale is NOT free, so put the passports back in the draw.
Still its nice to know, that the next time I get out my trusty mahl stick, and tins of enamel, that I can proudly claim to be a member of the Peace-keeping forces in the UK. I'll drink to that.!
Sir Dayvd ( ok, the signs finished where's my free beer ) of Oxfordshire
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Black, White, Green, Red, Harry Chapin, and Life!
Diagnosed with terminal cancer, he went on to present a lecture that literally took the world by storm, titled "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.” It's now more commonly and simply called "The Last Lecture" (if you haven't seen his lecture, you can check it out on You Tube; the book version is a national bestseller).
Because Pausch was a computer scientist, he was used to seeing the world in black and white, on and off, true or false. There was very little gray areas for him. In fact, he used to joke about his crayon box having only two colors: black and white.
But, at his last lecture, he brought along several hundred crayons of all colors (in the confusion of what was going on, they did not get passed out, but here is his intent):
“My plan was this: As I spoke about childhood dreams, I'd ask everyone to close their eyes and rub their crayons in their fingers – to feel the texture, the paper, the wax. They I'd have them bring their crayons up to their noses and take a good, long whiff. Smelling a crayon takes you right back to your childhood, doesn't it?”
Grown men and women with crayons? Why not! It's so true about the potency of a crayon and the ability of just one whiff to take us back to a time when teachers encouraged us to use every color and parents hung our masterpieces on the refrigerator.
This is where Harry Chapin comes in. Harry was an awesome artist, poet, songwriter, performer and humanitarian (yes, with flaws). He wrote a song that happened to be on a CD I was listening to right after I read Sir Dayvd's black and white post. This song has to do with art, kids, and seeing things the way they “should” be seen:
Flowers are Red
by Harry Chapin
The little boy went first day of school
He got some crayons and started to draw
He put colors all over the paper
For colors was what he saw
And the teacher said.. What you doin' young man
I'm paintin' flowers he said
She said... It's not the time for art young man
And anyway flowers are green and red
There's a time for everything young man
And a way it should be done
You've got to show concern for everyone else
For you're not the only one
And she said...
Flowers are red young man
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen
But the little boy said...
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one
Well the teacher said.. You're sassy
There's ways that things should be
And you'll paint flowers the way they are
So repeat after me.....
And she said...
Flowers are red young man
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen
But the little boy said...
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one
The teacher put him in a corner
She said.. It's for your own good..
And you won't come out 'til you get it right
And are responding like you should
Well finally he got lonely
Frightened thoughts filled his head
And he went up to the teacher
And this is what he said.. and he said
Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen
Time went by like it always does
And they moved to another town
And the little boy went to another school
And this is what he found
The teacher there was smilin'
She said...Painting should be fun
And there are so many colors in a flower
So let's use every one
But that little boy painted flowers
In neat rows of green and red
And when the teacher asked him why
This is what he said.. and he said...
* * *
Well, unfortunately, we know what he said -- what too many of us and our children have been trained to say.
But, there still must be a way to teach our children – and adults – that life should be fun; that there are so many colors in a flower -- So let's use every one!
So, yesterday I purchased a box of 120 crayons and Monday you'll find them on my desk. Why? That way, when things start getting too black and white or too serious, I'll take Randy Pausch's advice and feel one, sniff one, breathe it in, color with them, and dream!Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
Friday, August 22, 2008
Simpson On Tap?

Seems that Jessica Simpson's the new face (and other body parts) of Stampede Light Plus beer from Dallas-based Stampede Brewing Company.
Not only is Simpson, 28, serving as the beer's spokeswoman, but she also owns a 15 percent share in the brewer.
"Jessica found out about Stampede after trying it in Dallas and [liked] it so much that she met with the founder and became an owner," her rep told the Daily News (not John Stewart) on Wednesday.
Simpson liked the beer because it was "consistent with her healthy lifestyle and values," her publicist said.
So, if you want to "Be Smart" like Jessica Simpson, evidently you have to "Drink Smart."
Good Luck with That.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
Thursday, August 21, 2008

From my numerous discussions with various people on the subject of existence of God, my conclusion can be best explained by the following analogy:
“If we imagine that blind faith is jet black, absolute non-belief is pure white, and all possible inbetweens as a grey scale, then every individual's belief is some shade of grey - his/her own personal equilibrium of rationalism and faith.”
This position is usually not firm - it moves in either direction during various phases of the person's lifetime - but what's funny is that every individual firmly believes that his/her current position on the grey scale is the correct one, and everybody else is either too dogmatic or too rational.
As James Randi said:
"Inventing a deity greatly simplifies life for the believer, and makes thinking unnecessary. If there's a puzzle — "why am I here? — for example, the "God" card trumps all others, immediately and completely, with no discussion or work needed. No, the invocation of a deity doesn't explain a difficult quandary, but it makes an answer unnecessary, for the believer."
One of the more curious shades of grey is the position that religion may not be true, but it is a necessity nonetheless to keep ignorant masses in line - it's like the traffic light system of life without which navigating the paths of life would be very hazardous. Basically this position discards all the parts of religion that conflict with science (origin, existence, evolution, etc), but accepts the one part of religion that science does not invade - the moral code. People who take this position believe in science, free enquiry, etc, but also believe that absolute morality as mandated by religion is perhaps better than letting people develop their own personal moral codes based on education and life experiences. Richard Dawkins, in a debate with the Archbishop of York, Dr John Habgood, on the existence of God, labels these people the "know-alls":
"Religious people split into three main groups when faced with science. I shall label them the "know-nothings", the "know-alls", and the "no-contests". The "know-alls" (I unkindly name them that because I find their position patronizing), think religion is good for people, perhaps good for society. Perhaps good because it consoles them in death or bereavement, perhaps because it provides a moral code. Whether or not the actual beliefs of the religion are true doesn't matter. Maybe there isn't a God; we educated people know there is precious little evidence for one, let alone for ideas such as the Virgin birth or the Resurrection, but the uneducated masses need a God to keep them out of mischief or to comfort them in bereavement. The little matter of God's probably non-existence can be brushed to one side in the interest of greater social good."
Assuming that we are smarter than the rest, and thinking that we know what is good or bad for the masses, is a smarter-than-thou snobbish elitist position. Besides, it is also very dangerous territory. As Carl Sagan warns us in his book The Demon Haunted World :
"We are not wise enough to know which lies, or even which shadings of the facts, can competently serve some higher social purpose - especially in the long run."
I will urge all the "know-alls" to read this book, especially the chapter titled "Newton's Sleep" that ends with the above quote. A well rounded perspective is the only way people will ever co-exist.
Sir Dayvd ( spending way too much time thinking and not working ) of Oxfordshire
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The debate lives on.
One of the greatest advertising campaigns in history was the famous “Great taste, lessing filling” ad for Miller Lite. For years, Miller Lite drinkers, including notables like comic Rodney Dangerfield, football coach John Madden, and baseball legend (for being mediocre) Bob Uecker bickered back and forth. Some said the drink tasted great. Others said it was less filling.
Was it a successful campaign? You bet your beer foam it was.
According to Wikipedia, Advertising Age magazine has that campaign as the 8th best advertising campaign in history. In the prime of the campaign, television commercials typically portrayed a Miller Lite drinker noting its great taste followed by another who observed that it was less filling. This usually led to a parody of Wild West saloon fights in which every patron got involved in the dispute for no real reason, though in this case it was always a shouting match, and blows were never thrown. The campaign was developed by the ad agency of McCann-Erickson Worldwide.Well, now we’ll have a chance to debate again. MillerCoors LLC is reviving its "Great taste, less filling" tagline, which was created more than 30 years ago. The company says that the tagline will appear starting Sept. 1 in revised TV spots of last year's "More Taste League," an advertising campaign that airs during football (real football, not Football Lite – a.k.a. soccer) season. All national Miller Lite radio spots immediately will start using the "Great taste, less filling" tags, the company said. Marketing materials in stores will feature the slogan as well.
As our merry band of Knights grows, we must recognize that we will have a loyal contingent of lite beer drinkers (unity through diversity -- even diversity lite). Why? Great taste, of course. Or, is it less filling?
Sir Bowie “would be better off drinking lite beer because his six pack is more like a keg” of Greenbriar
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Creating Warriors

Yesterday, Lady Suzanne, our older daughter Amy, and I dropped off our daughter Lucy to become a Knight of Bellarmine University. Our world needs new warriors to help solve the myriad of very serious problems facing the world today. Fortunately, there are men and women and universities out there that are teaching the basic human wisdom that can help save us from ourselves. I have grown to believe that this wisdom must not come from any one culture or religion, but from a collective effort. Though Bellarmine is a
While everyone -- united -- has a responsibility to help the world, we can actually do more harm than good if we try to impose our ideas and ideals on the world. With all the problems now facing human beings, it’s is more important than ever to find simple ways – nonsectarian ways – to work with each other and share our understanding. Where do we start? We must first look inside ourselves. In spite of all our problems, there is something basically good about ourselves. As Sir Hook wrote in a previous post, unless we can discover that ground of goodness in our own lives, we cannot hope to improve the lives of others.
According to the Shambhala tradition, there are several principles of warriorship. The first, and key, is not being afraid of who you are (and that takes a very brave person). When we are not afraid of ourselves, we open up and share our wisdom with the world.
Yesterday, while moving Lucy in and setting her free, we experienced some of that unity and diversity. We also experience some of what makes life such a wonderful experience: fellowship with family, the generosity of strangers, the bright blue sky, freshness of a wooded campus, breaking bread with friends, and finally riding into a glorious sunset as we left our daughter in the hands of wise men and women who will work to awaken her inner “warriorship” -- to grow brave and wise!
Sir Bowie of Greenbrair
Monday, August 18, 2008
Calling All Knights
You'll remember a few posts ago about the concept of joining in celebration if you're lucky enough, as we in the "Founding Garden of Southern Indiana", to have a large contingent of strapping lads and lovely ladies gather once a month in joint celebration of Our Unity Through Diversity.
Sir Hook hereby calls for such a gathering at the Brew HaHa to be held at the Evansville Museum on Saturday, September 27. Our October gathering will be the very next Saturday, October 4, at the Deer Head Tavern around 8pm to enjoy another session with the Shaggy Wonda boys from Bloomington. Of course, it is also our intent to have our other Brothers and Sisters in Arms to join in celebration where they can at the same time!
It is time to arise from our dungeons and become a Visible Force in our ever changing world. Recruiting new Knights and Ladies is needed as well. So, join me and Sir Bowie in these Grand Council Celebrations.
Sir Hook the Party Animal-Beta King during the Week-Alpha King on Saturday's of Warrick
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Magical Hoosier Brewery Tour

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Can't We all Get Along? Yes, We Can!

I actually slept until 8am for the first time in a while, and decided to leisurely explore my latest edition of my AARP Magazine. Yes, I'm a card carrying member of the over 50 crowd, and damn proud to be as well! In my readings I was glad to receive confirmation that we still enjoy sex, look for deeper and more meaningful spirituality, become less afraid to embrace our true self, etc.

It appears that they promote a "Recipe for Understanding", by forming groups of open minded peoples of different faiths, religions and beliefs, who gather to sit down and discuss openly at dinner their differences, but more importantly to realize their common ground. It's called "Breaking Bread...Breaking Barriers". It's goal is to promote tolerance and keep expanding the circle of understanding.

Friday, August 15, 2008
Buon Ferragosto: Evolution of a Feast Day

Today is a feast day, no matter how you look at it. The people of the Roman Empire (yes, those who have determined how wide our railroad tracks are, which roads we travel, and the size of Space Shuttle booster rockets) celebrated this day, August 15, as a feast day to honor the goddess Diana. Diana was the goddess of fertility, and she seemed a natural choice to have as its patron after a long time in the harvest fields.

August derives it's name from Augustus Caesar, the Caesar we Judeo-Christians all know and love! It seems that Augustus, being the man about town, decided to declare this feast in his own honor and to expand it into a month long Toga Party! Thus it's Roman name became, "Feriae Augusti" (The Fairs of Augustus). From the Latin name "Feriae Augusti" comes the present day Italian name of the holiday, "Buon Ferragosto".

BON FERRACONMUCHOCUSTO! (Kind of like mixing Teguila with Peroni)
Sir Hook the "Ferraconmuchogusto Meister" of Warrick