One of the most basic tenants of the Knights of Moleskine, Spirit and Ale is the belief in "We are Unified through our Diversity." Following closely is, "We are Sovereign Rulers of Our Own Lives. Free to Create without Judgement."
I actually slept until 8am for the first time in a while, and decided to leisurely explore my latest edition of my AARP Magazine. Yes, I'm a card carrying member of the over 50 crowd, and damn proud to be as well! In my readings I was glad to receive confirmation that we still enjoy sex, look for deeper and more meaningful spirituality, become less afraid to embrace our true self, etc.
All good and well, but I was most intrigued by their Navigator section, which highlighted a rather unique organization located in Denver, CO called Common Tables.
It appears that they promote a "Recipe for Understanding", by forming groups of open minded peoples of different faiths, religions and beliefs, who gather to sit down and discuss openly at dinner their differences, but more importantly to realize their common ground. It's called "Breaking Bread...Breaking Barriers". It's goal is to promote tolerance and keep expanding the circle of understanding.
Now, as a Founding Father of KMSA, I find our goals and mission to be very similar. We are choosing the pubs, bars, taverns and drinking halls for our mission, but the results are the same. I would dare say, we have a slightly more dangerous mission because passions are always fueled by alcohol; however, I have been more than pleasantly surprised by the open mindedness of the patrons I have approached with our particular "Message of Hope and Unity".
So as good Knights (and Ladies), I propose a toast to the good folks at Common Table and invite them to join our Merry Band. Speaking for myself, a Zen-Christian Catholic-Crazy Man, I always like to indulge in a fine wine after breaking bread!
Sir Hook the Not so Commonly Tolerant of Warrick
Great Blog Hookmeister of Hoosierland.. enjoyed that.
ReplyDeletesleeping in till 8am eh? soon it will be the lunchtime naps, then the medication trolley at 5pm
Sir dayvd .
I'm reminded of the story of the banquet where there was plenty of delicious food to yet, but the eating utensils had very long handles -- too long to actually use. Everyone struggle to feed themselves to no avail. It was only when someone suggested that they use the long handles to feed the person sitting across from them that they were all able to truly enjoy the banquet.
Regarding AARP. In my case I'm pushing 50. I'm finding that it's not the pushing 50 that's painful, it's the pulling 48.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar typical older persons style....i have to say looking back ..the fifty was as easy as falling off a log, now i'm yomping towards 54....its the pushing 60 that is really making me sweat...
ReplyDeleteIf its any help to you...the Over 40's here, have a new adage which we all try to live by....
Sir Dayvd
ReplyDeletePerhaps another Knights Motto.
Old Knights never die, they just fade, fade away. However, we must choose to keep the light burning brightly for as long as we can!
As the great Dylan Thoams wrote..." Rage, rage, against the dying of the light"
ReplyDeleteSir dayvd
If Not Now-When?
ReplyDeleteis going on the refrigerator right this minute
where all great quotes go!!
Lady Suzanne of Greenbriar
Yay Lady Suzanne...good to hear from you...:)) Glad you like the quote...i have been using it in all my missives for quite a while and livng by it,... it came out of something that was said when we were in a bar discussing procrastination and the years seeming to gallop by so fast these days..... I have it in big letters in my bathroom...
ReplyDeleteI even sent it in to a website that has just started up for those sweating on being fifty...called Fifty Forward... they were asking for wise words...
Hooky and Bowie might be interested in it...
I'm 53 going on i don't feel it yet...LOL... but as i say...60 does not sound good which ever way you dress it up.
I'm sure you'll point to the quote when you are trying to get Bowie to take the trash out or mend the fawcett that won't work...
or start that Novel I'm sure he keeps on about...:))
Sir Dayvd