Seems that Jessica Simpson's the new face (and other body parts) of Stampede Light Plus beer from Dallas-based Stampede Brewing Company.
Not only is Simpson, 28, serving as the beer's spokeswoman, but she also owns a 15 percent share in the brewer.
"Jessica found out about Stampede after trying it in Dallas and [liked] it so much that she met with the founder and became an owner," her rep told the Daily News (not John Stewart) on Wednesday.
Simpson liked the beer because it was "consistent with her healthy lifestyle and values," her publicist said.
So, if you want to "Be Smart" like Jessica Simpson, evidently you have to "Drink Smart."
Good Luck with That.
Sir Bowie of Greenbriar
First of all, there is quiet an oxymoron going on here! Equating "Smart" with Jessica Simpson? Of course, I only see what she wants me to see, so who am I to judge? She may be a freakin' Rocket Scientist for all I know. At least she's smart enough to invest her money on playing a dumb blonde on a beer she likes and use her "Sexy Image" to sale it! As a KMSA member I can drink to that. Last night I felt like I was drinking smarter in the Dublin Village Tavern in Dublin, OH. They had another blonde in their bathroom, Marilyn Monroe, aka "Norma Jean Baker". That's a subject of a traveling blog that will be posted tomorrow when I return from this five day business trip. Cheers!